الأمين للمساندة الإنسانية توقع بروتوكول تعاون مع جامعة حلب الحرة

Al-Ameen Organization has signed an agreement with the Free Aleppo University

Economic crises, continuous displacement in Syria, aside from the destroyed killing machine all 10 years, caused to suspension of the training phase for most of the new medical faculty graduated and ungraduated students in the training period.

As one of Al-Ameen for Humanitarian Support goals, reinforcing the education sector and seeking to train and empower the youth.

Al-Ameen Organization has signed an agreement with the Free Aleppo University, aiming to train the fifth and sixth years students in Medical faculty and students who have not completed the training phases “Stages”, whereas Al-Amin will provide the training opportunity for this segment of students for three months in its medical facilities and centers, additionally, provide them opportunities to have jobs in Al-Ameen’s centers or other medical centers.




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