Al-Ameen For Humanitarian Support

The martyr Muhammad Al-Ameen 

The story of our hero

In August of 2012, Ameen Harsoni’s friend was shot by a Syrian Regime sniper in the streets of Ariha, Edlib. Despite the dangerous context, Ameen courageously and caringly attempted to revive his friend when another sniper shot Ameen through the femoral artery leaving him in critical condition for six hours before passing.

About Alameen

For Humanitarian Support


Alameen organization is a non-governmental non-profit humanitarian...


Supporting and enhancing healthcare and the well-being of people in need...


Wellbeing for all humanity & A world where every individual has access to basic...


we have confidence in our colleagues, beneficiaries, and partners...


Alamen support all humanitarian principles agreed by the global community...


Job Application ​

We believe that everyone has a chance​

The Humanitarian Stories

Al-Ameen's Partners