استقبال كادر مركز الأمين الصحي في شران - سوريا لفريق من مكتب تنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية التابع للأمم
Health, Update

The staff of the Alameen Health Center in Sharan – Syria received a team from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the World Health Organization (WHO)

Today, the staff of the Alameen Health Center in Sharan, Syria, welcomed a team from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Health Cluster Group during a field visit aimed at examining the reality of work and the challenges facing health centers in northwestern Syria, particularly in light of the funding shortfall for the region.

The health staff showcased the center’s equipment and the healthcare services provided to beneficiaries and participated in interviews conducted by the team to understand the difficulties and challenges the center faces. They also facilitated interviews with a group of beneficiaries to gather their opinions and feedback on the services provided.

This visit is part of routine inspection tours of health centers inside Syria, aimed at monitoring the situation and focusing on the difficulties and challenges these centers face, as well as encouraging advocacy efforts to ensure continued support and operation of the centers.

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