
New prosthetics center

New prosthetics center .. Due to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen, which caused by the raging conflict for 8 years, the number of Yemenis injured with various injuries as a result of mines planted by the Houthi coup militia, which resulted in many cases of amputation, as the number of disabilities, according to the international committee of the red cross, reached more than 2.2 million cases across Yemen, and based on the strategy of “KS Relief” – the health sector in the republic of Yemen – by supporting and financing prosthetics projects throughout Yemen, through the localization and improvement of prosthetics services and rehabilitation and assisting people with special needs with their involvement in social life and maintaining the continuation of their performance within society, and raising the capabilities of the workers at the prosthetics center with the latest medical sciences and modern technologies, a project for preparing and operating the new prosthetics center in “Aden” governorate (phase three) was launched today, in coordination with the ministries of planning, international cooperation and public health, in addition to the health office in Aden governorate and the governorate office for martyrs and wounded affairs.

This was done under the patronage of Dr. “Qassem Muhammad Baheebh” the minister of public health and population, and in the presence of Dr. “Ali Abdullah Saleh” the director of the public health and population office in the governorate of Aden, and Mr. “Alawi Al-Nuba” the deputy of Aden region for the affairs of the martyrs and the wounded, after the end of the rehabilitation phase restoration of the designated building and supplying it with modern equipment and supplies for the prosthetics workshop, in addition to physical therapy and rehabilitation devices for amputation patients.

The new prosthetics center has been inaugurated through the implementing partner “Al-Ameen” for humanitarian support. In its third phase in 2021, the project targets approximately 1400 beneficiaries, and the production capacity will reach the manufacture and installation of 300 prosthetics, in addition to providing maintenance and technical rehabilitation services for 150 prosthetics and 950 beneficiaries of physical therapy and rehabilitation services for amputation patients.

It is worth noting that the new center for prosthetics in Aden is the fourth qualitative center that has been activated after the “Saioun” center in “Hadramout” governorate in Yemen, where “KS Relief” contributes to supporting and operating four industrial limb centers in the governorates of Aden, Maareb, Taiz and Hadramout, to ensure the provision of health care and care for people with special needs and amputation patients, with budgets exceeding 10 million dollars.

As the number of beneficiaries of prosthetics projects throughout Yemen, fully funded by “KS Relief” in 2020, more than 13,000 beneficiaries received high-quality, free and integrated health services in the prosthetics centers, which were distributed over manufacturing, installation, technical rehabilitation, maintenance services, physiotherapy and rehabilitation of amputation patients. More than 1630 modern prosthetics have been installed in prosthetics centers throughout Yemen, and these projects have provided job opportunities for more than 160 Yemeni administrative and technical personnel.




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