International Day Against Child Labor

International Day Against Child Labor

The United Nations defines child labour as a heavy burden on children and endangers children’s lives. Child labour violates international law and national legislation, as it either deprives children of education or requires them to bear the double burden of study and work.
The latest figures show that 160 million children – nearly one in 10 worldwide – remain vulnerable to child labour, and numbers are rising.
Regarding child labour in Syria, some 2.45 million children in Syria and 750 thousand in neighbouring countries do not attend school, 40 per cent of whom are girls, according to a UNICEF report in 2021.
Most children are outside the educational realities, which have become challenging for Syrian children to navigate due to many shocking factors, namely high rates of extreme poverty, most of them displaced Syrian families who fight poverty without it. A breadwinner compels children to fight for survival in search of the least living necessities

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