Alameen story

International Wars and Disasters Victims’ Protection Association – Alameen Organization

In August of 2012, Ameen Harsoni’s friend was shot by a Syrian Regime sniper in the streets of Ariha, Edlib. Despite the dangerous context, Ameen courageously and caringly attempted to revive his friend when another sniper shot Ameen through the femoral artery leaving him in critical condition for six hours before passing. With Ameen’s great sacrifice came the birth of Alameen organization – the great achievement that was the result of Ameen’s self-less, eternal act. Al-Ameen is derived from Arabic and means “The Trusted One”. AHS promises Ameen – along with AHS’s partners – to be the most transparent and trusted global humanitarian organization.

Our Vision

Wellbeing for all humanity

Our Mission

Supporting and enhancing healthcare and the well-being of people in need and communities affected by crisis through sustaining healthcare systems, education, and community programs.

Our Foundational Story

Alameen organization is a non-governmental non-profit humanitarian organization established in 2012 as a volunteer community initiative by several doctors and academics supporting the late martyr Mohammad Ameen Harsouny, in response to the needs of those affected by the Syrian humanitarian crises and in commemoration of his memory.

Our Principles

Alamen support all humanitarian principles agreed by the global community:
• Humanity
• Neutrality
• Impartiality
• Independence

Our Values

• Trustworthy: we have confidence in our colleagues, beneficiaries, and partners. We build, maintain, and strengthen trust through time to allow us and others to feel safe and comfortable.
• Responsive: We are answerable and liable to our colleagues, partners, and the people we serve.
• Accountable: we have the moral duty and responsibility to use our resources efficiently.
• Integrity: we abide by our principles and values; we are honest in our daily work and services provided.
• Transparency: we share information internally and externally to develop trust and respect. We openly communicate relevant information with concerned parties.