منظمة الأمين تنفذ مشروع تعزيز خدمات الرعاية الصحية للاجئين السوريين والمجتمع المضيف في لبنان - عرسال
Food Security, Update

Alameen Organization implement a project to enhance health care services for Syrian refugees and the host community in Lebanon – Arsal

Diseases, epidemics, and water shortages!

The camps in Arsal are suffering from a dire health situation, which threatens public health. Poor sanitation provides an ideal environment for the spread of epidemics. In this context, Alameen Organization, the implementing body of the project to enhance healthcare services for Syrian refugees and the host community in Lebanon – Arsal, funded by King Salman for Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center, has launched a health awareness campaign. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of personal hygiene and includes awareness sessions, the distribution of brochures, and the provision of hygiene kits. This initiative follows a field survey of the most affected camps in Arsal, targeting women over 14 years old. In the first phase, 997 hygiene kits were distributed out of a total of 10,000 kits that will be distributed in several phases.