
“Al-Bab” health center in Al-Bab city

The regions of northern “Syria” are witnessing difficult days as a result of increasing the spread of the “Covid-19” among the communities there, which make the need of primary health care more.
we do all our efforts to be in the first line beside our society. To relieve into them and raise awareness of diseases and viruses that spread easily between people there.
“Al-Bab” health center in Al-Bab city – northern Syria, it is one of our medical centers in northern Syria, which works to provide health care services carefully to the beneficiaries, especially in light of the spread of #Covid_19 in northern Syria.
The center works to provide almost complete primary health care services, with a medical analysis laboratory and a pharmacy to dispense medicines to patients and visitors, In addition to psychological awareness sessions for families as well.
Al-Bab health center is one of 15 medical facilities supported by Al-Ameen for humanitarian support in the regions of northern Syria.

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