تدريب متقدم في صيانة المكيفات للمتضررين من الزلزال في تركيا برعاية مركز الملك سلمان
Education, Update

Advanced Air Conditioner Maintenance Training for Earthquake Victims in Turkey Sponsored by King Salman Center

In its efforts to enhance the technical skills of communities affected by the earthquake, Al-Ameen Organization is offering advanced training in air conditioner maintenance in Reyhanlı, Turkey. This training aims to empower participants and enhance their abilities in this field.

Under the direct supervision of specialized trainers, the training covers diagnosing common faults, repair methods, routine maintenance procedures, as well as a detailed explanation of technical components, disassembly, and reassembly techniques. It also includes preventive measures to maintain the efficiency of the devices for a longer time.

The theoretical skills gained by the trainees were reinforced through practical workshops held in the refugee camps of Kırıkhan, where several air conditioners were repaired, and existing faults were addressed.

Additionally, the program offers funding opportunities for some trainees based on a technical and professional evaluation. This allows the training to evolve into real projects that can make a tangible difference in their lives and the lives of the communities they live in. One such project was funded for a participant with special needs.

These vocational trainings are conducted by a group of Saudi volunteers within the framework of the Hayat Volunteer Project and the International Association for the Care of War and Disaster Victims (Al-Ameen), with support from the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center.