Alameen Health Center in Racu, Afrin, Syria
Alameen Health Center in Racu, Afrin, Syria, offers a range of primary healthcare services, including general medical diagnosis, medical examinations,
Participation of the Alameen Organization team in the training of trainers workshop on the rapid needs assessment tool organized by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Alameen Organization team participated in a Training of Trainers workshop on the Rapid Needs Assessment Tool, organized by the UN
Project of enhance healthcare services for Syrian refugees and the host community in Lebanon – Arsal
Our teams continue the fifth phase of the project to enhance healthcare services for Syrian refugees and the host community
Visit of a delegation from the World Health Organization to the training of pharmacy and warehouse management conducted by Alameen Organization
A delegation from the World Health Organization, including officials from the Medical Supplies Department, visited the pharmacy and warehouse management
Primary health care services provided at Alameen Health Center in Ariha – Syria
Primary healthcare services provided at Alameen Health Center in Arihah, Syria, work to improve the health and well-being of all
Visit of influencers and actors to the hospital where cochlear implant operations are performed
Influencers and actors visit the hospital where cochlear implant operations are performed, and take souvenir photos with the children and
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