Provide the protection to us


Al-Ameen’s protection intervention strategy focuses on child protection and preventing gender-based violence. Aimed at increasing the protection of at-risk groups from the effects of conflict, protection activities are specifically designed to prevent and respond to rights violations. Al-Ameen’s protection interventions are developed in accordance with standards and guidelines internationally recognized by UNICEF, UNFPA and UNHCR.

Within Al-Ameen’s centers, the following activities are introduced:

Community child protection:
Structured and sustainable psychosocial support programs within child-friendly centers.
Parenting Skills Programs.
Awareness campaigns on children’s rights and protection concerns, plus establishing community-based child protection committees trained on child protection standards and referral mechanisms.
Awareness campaigns on land mines, ordnances and explosive material risks.
Support orphans and people with disabilities to rehabilitate their skills for integrating within communities.
Social protection services through psychosocial support, community awareness and publicizing available services to activate conversion mechanisms in targeted areas.
Women and girls empowerment:
Psychosocial support
Awareness of protection issues
Specialized services through case management
As a result of these protection services, beneficiaries are able to invest their capabilities within their private lives and uphold resilience and contribute to the community’s wellbeing within crises areas.

We are working to meet food needs and secure job opportunities by supporting agriculture, livestock and production projects, in order to contribute the achieving sustainability and to create added value through the exploitation of available resources





