Al-Ameen continue to carry out awareness and community education campaigns for the prevention of dengue fever and malaria in Taiz, Yemen
The teams of the International Association for Wars and Disasters victims (Al-Ameen) continue to carry out awareness and community education
قراءة المزيد » Arsal Health Center
The Arsal Health Center holds a strategic position in Lebanon northern regions, is considered one of the best primary healthcare
قراءة المزيد » Ameen PHC’s in Raju
Al-Ameen Primary health care centers to provide their diverse free services to our people in several areas in northwest Syria.
قراءة المزيد » Raju Primary Health Care Center
Adnan Malla Ali, who suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure, is one of the beneficiaries of our services at
قراءة المزيد » Training in Sexual and Reproductive Health in Afrin Region
With the support of Médecins Sans Frontières – France mission and in collaboration with Ameen Humanitarian Support Organization, a training
قراءة المزيد » Al-Ameen Health Center in Zardana.
Al-Ameen Health Center in Zardana, located within Idlib region in northern Syria, plays a major role in promoting and supporting
قراءة المزيد »