Workshop: Prosthetics as the Key to a Better Life and Social Integration in Yemen
As part of the inaugural conference on the health system in Yemen, the Ministry of Health and Population, under the
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Free and comprehensive medical services for thousands of patients provided by Al-Amin Center for Primary Health Care in Sheikh Al-Hadid – Afrin
Because your health is our priority… In the Sheik Al-Hadid area within Afrin, the Al-Ameen Primary Healthcare Center continues to
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Provide comprehensive and free medical care to more than 300,000 people monthly in Atmeh, Idlib
Because health makes a difference… At Atmah Charity Hospital, we work tirelessly to provide comprehensive and free medical care to
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Speech and Hearing Center Services in Afrin – Syria
Because every child has a unique voice… At the Speech and Hearing Center in Afrin, Syria, we believe that communication
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The Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Center in Sayun
The Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Center in Sayun is more than just a place for treatment—it is a space that offers
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Continuation of tumor removal operations in children within the Saudi Hope Volunteer Program for the fourth day in Damascus
The tumor removal surgeries for children continue, and most of them are highly complex. These surgeries aim to remove tumors
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