Health, Update Reproductive health services at the Primary Healthcare Center in Bdama – Idlib – Syria 15/08/2024 by Nadeem
Update A delegation from the World Health Organization visited the work area of the community health teams and other medical teams of Al-Ameen 13/08/2024 by Nadeem
Health, Update Distribution of preventive hygiene kits and therapeutic permethrin creams as part of the scabies control campaign 12/08/2024 by Nadeem
Cochlear implant, Health, Update Photos of children in the last moments of the silent journey after the third phase of cochlear implant operations 12/08/2024 by Nadeem
Cochlear implant, Health, Update Conducting speech and assessment sessions within the auditory rehabilitation program for children in Reyhanli – Türkiye 10/08/2024 by Nadeem
Cochlear implant, Health, Update The third phase of cochlear implantation operations for children entering from Syria begins 10/08/2024 by Nadeem
Cochlear implant, Health, Update The auditory rehabilitation process for children who have undergone cochlear implant surgeries in Kilis 10/08/2024 by Nadeem