منبج.. احتياج إنساني فريد ودعم متميز من منظمة الأمين
Health, Update

Manbij: Unique Humanitarian Needs and Exceptional Support from the Ameen Organization

The Syrian city of Manbij represents a unique area due to its geographical location, where its residents face significant challenges, particularly in health, requiring a distinctive and comprehensive response. From this perspective, the International Association for the Care of War and Disaster Victims / Amin continues to provide its medical support there through a hospital and two clinics to ensure that the residents receive the healthcare they deserve.

During February 2025, the Ameen Organization provided approximately 12,400 medical services in the hospital and 6,800 medical services in the clinics. The services varied between specialized consultations, childbirth, surgical operations, dialysis sessions, specialized vaccinations, and more.

We believe that every area requires support tailored to its unique needs, which makes our intervention in Manbij distinctive and effective. We will continue to work to ensure health and a decent life for our people there.