تقديم رعاية طبية متكاملة ومجانية لأكثر من 300 ألف شخص شهريًا في أطمة - إدلب
Health, Update

Provide comprehensive and free medical care to more than 300,000 people monthly in Atmeh, Idlib

Because health makes a difference…

At Atmah Charity Hospital, we work tirelessly to provide comprehensive and free medical care to more than 300,000 people monthly in Atmeh, Idlib. With a specialized medical staff and modern equipment, we ensure that everyone has access to high-quality health services because we believe that every person deserves a chance for a healthier and safer life.

We do not just treat illness; we empower individuals to be stronger and more productive in their community. Our vision goes beyond treatment as we build a future based on care, innovation, and humanity.

Health is not a luxury but a right for every individual – and we are here to ensure it!