مشاركة الجمعية الدولية لرعاية ضحايا الحروب والكوارث - الأمين في المعرض المصاحب للمؤتمر الدولي للتوائم الملتصقة في الرياض في السعودية
Health, Update

Participation of the International Association for the Care of Victims of War and Disasters – Al-Ameen in the exhibition accompanying the International Conference on Siamese Twins in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The International Society for the Care of Victims of War and Disasters – Alameen participated in the exhibition accompanying the International Conference on Conjoined Twins, which is held over the course of two days, November 24-25, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where Alameen presented the latest innovations in the field of prosthetics and rehabilitation that have been developed to meet the needs of people with disabilities. Movement disabilities, especially in humanitarian crisis areas.

This participation represented an opportunity to communicate with specialists and communities interested in achieving better inclusion for people with disabilities, and to showcase the Secretary’s role in improving the lives of individuals affected by wars and disasters through innovative and effective medical solutions.