زيارة وزير الصحة ورعاية المجتمع الصومالي لبنك الدم الوطني في مقديشو - الصومال
Health, Update

Visit of the Minister of Health and Community Welfare of Somalia to the National Blood Bank in Mogadishu – Somalia

During an official visit to the National Blood Bank in Mogadishu, Somalia, the Somali Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Dr. Ali Haji Adam, announced the activation of the National Blood Bank, marking a significant step in strengthening the country’s healthcare system.

He was accompanied at this event by members of the Federal Parliament, along with the Director-General of the Ministry of Health, the Director of the National Blood Bank, the Director of Banadir Maternity and Children’s Hospital, and representatives from the International Association for Protection of Victims of Disasters and Wars – Al-Ameen.

The minister led a blood donation campaign, emphasizing the importance of community participation in this initiative. The National Blood Bank is expected to contribute to ensuring a continuous supply of blood, especially in emergencies, thereby enhancing Somalia’s healthcare infrastructure.

This initiative reflects a significant positive impact on healthcare services and will help save lives, paving the way for a brighter and healthier future for all citizens.