زيارة المدير العام للخدمات الطبية بوزارة الصحة الصومالية لمركز بنادر للغسيل الكلوي في مقديشو - الصومال
Health, Update

The visit of Director General of Medical Services at the Somali Ministry of Health to the Banadir Dialysis Center in Mogadishu, Somalia

The Director General of Medical Services at the Somali Ministry of Health visited the Banadir Dialysis Center in Mogadishu, Somalia, operated by the International Association for Protection of Victims of Wars and Disasters (Al-Ameen). During his visit, he inspected the center’s operations and explored the various departments and facilities within the center. He also met with the doctors, dialysis technicians, and nurses, praising their work. The Director was briefed on the specialized and comprehensive healthcare services provided free of charge to more than 170 kidney failure patients each month as part of efforts to alleviate people’s suffering and improve their health.