حملة مكافحة الجرب في مرحلتها الثانية، والتي ستشمل 24 مخيم في كل من الدانا – معرتمصرين – ادلب – عفرين
Health, Update

Alameen Organization has launched the second phase of the scabies eradication campaign in Dana, Maarrat Misrin, Idlib, and Afrin

Alameen Organization has launched the second phase of the scabies eradication campaign, which will cover 24 camps without any other medical access in Dana, Maarrat Misrin, Idlib, and Afrin.

The campaign targets 24,625 individuals, distributing permethrin treatment creams and hygiene kits across all camps, with a focus on raising awareness about the importance of personal hygiene to reduce the spread of the disease.

Through this campaign, Alameen Organization aims to improve health conditions and promote health awareness in the community.