Give a voice to a new life: Support children with hearing and speech impairments

Every child has the right to hear and live a life full of colors and sounds

Today, many children suffer from hearing loss or complete deafness, which greatly affects their lives, development, and the lives of those around them. As time runs out for many, studies show that the chances of successful surgeries become very slim after the age of 5. But there is hope! 

Audiological and speech rehabilitation can completely change their lives

Audiological and speech rehabilitation can restore our children’s ability to hear and communicate. With the availability of advanced medical technologies, along with specialized rehabilitation, it helps children regain the ability to listen and integrate into the world around them. 


So far, Al-Ameen Organization has performed 114 cochlear implant surgeries for Syrian and Turkish children, distributed hundreds of hearing aids in several phases, and established hearing and speech rehabilitation centers to follow up with them. The organization continues its great humanitarian work with the goal of changing the lives of 1,430 children in 9 other countries. 


What can you do? 

  1. Donate financially to children directly.
  2. Share the link with your friends to encourage them to donate.
  3. Highlight the importance of supporting children with special needs.
  4. Follow Al-Ameen Organization’s pages to support our other causes.


Where will your donations go?

  1. Specialized sessions for hearing and speech rehabilitation for children who have undergone cochlear implant surgeries.
  2. Social sponsorship for families of children who have undergone cochlear implant surgery, covering their transportation and basic needs throughout the treatment period, which may last up to two years.
  3. Educational campaigns for the parents of children undergoing hearing rehabilitation to enhance the children’s ability to learn and integrate into society.
  4. Awareness campaigns through specialized centers to help integrate children into society, targeting the children, their families, and their local environment.


Participation of Artists and Influencers

A number of artists and influencers participated in the launch event of the world’s largest cochlear implant program.  

It was announced that cochlear implant surgeries would be sponsored for 1,430 cases in 9 countries around the world. The actors also made a field visit and met with the families while the children were undergoing surgeries in the hospital.

Every donation makes a difference! Join us today in making the dream come true for our children and giving them a chance at a better life.  

Contribute now and be a part of this positive change.