General guideline for prosthetics And rehabilitation services

General guideline for prosthetics And rehabilitation services

Conflicts, wars, and natural disasters contribute to rising rates of disabilities of all types and leave lasting side effects for several generations. Among these, motor disabilities, particularly those resulting from amputations, have a significant impact on society. Rehabilitation services, which are specialized health services, play a crucial role in the recovery process and contribute to the rehabilitation of communities affected by humanitarian crises. They are considered one of the most important services in emergency response during humanitarian crises. Therefore, the guidelines have been issued to serve as a primary reference for the steps involved in the services provided in prosthetic and rehabilitation programs. This guide aims to clarify the general principles for operating prosthetic and rehabilitation centers, according to scientific references and technical standards endorsed by the world health organization, the international committee of the red cross, and other authoritative bodies in the field. The guide emphasizes the necessity of establishing comprehensive policies and a regulatory framework for organizing the delivery of prosthetic and orthotic services, ensuring:

  • Quality: by implementing strict standards to guarantee the effectiveness and safety of these
  • Safety: by adhering to established safety standards and providing a secure environment for
  • Effectiveness: by designing personalized treatment plans for each patient to achieve the best
    possible outcomes.
  • Availability: by expanding the scope of these services to ensure that all patients in need have
    access to them.
    Furthermore, the guideline seeks to align with international standards in the field of prosthetics and
    orthotic services to ensure that patients receive the highest level of care available worldwide.

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