Education First still Gaps Increasing

Education First still Gaps Increasing


IRVD Organization, in an attempt to capture a view of the Education humanitarian situation, needs, and gaps in Yemen Arab Republic communities, performed Joint-Sectoral Education Needs Assessment, due to rapid change in the security situation, displacement, and the demographic change on the ground, besides the need to updated information for the education process, also in some locations no information was submitted, also to shed the light On the gaps and needs besides the suffering that teachers, students, and parents in teaching, also the continuous suffering that had come with the spread of COVID 19 in all the world, which had shown new gaps, beside the change in the needs which mostly many organizations and working partners hadn’t take in consideration while the context is changing. Even though aid entered into this region through the Saudi’s borders crossings with Yemen, but the huge needs and growing gaps, also the change in the security situation which Yemen is suffering from, in addition to the large flow of IDPs that changing in the whole country, while many of the schools are already occupied with IDPs, furthermore, the sudden floods that had caused demolition in the school’s structures, while the most of schools are suffering of demolition partly or wholly, The humanitarian situation changes rapidly and significantly across the country, depending on the intensity of conflict, besides the displacement patterns and access to basic services and assistance. The reasons for showing the gaps can’t stop here many other factors are affecting the education process in Yemen, so due to all reasons, it’s time to shed the light on these gaps and needs. In the twelfth year of the Yemini crisis, all country’s population faces huge humanitarian obstacles with continued conflict affecting civilians, lack of shelter, food and non-food items (NFIs), basic services, education services, drinking water, and other necessities, besides the speed of many pandemics that will not be affecting only Yemen but the whole other neighboring countries. This report provides a community-level analysis of the Education humanitarian situation in Yemen’s communities, this survey had been in 49 sub-districts that had been distributed in 4 governorates all over Yemen, for over three months from May to early June 2022. So, to help humanitarian actors with information about the developments and the last change in the humanitarian needs, this report offers a Joint-Education sectoral analysis in this area. Data collection was completed through Key Informants KI interviews with at least three KI in each community (395KIs) (%65Males, %35 Female). Types of KI included a range of representatives of civilian bodies, such as local council members, teachers, NGO workers, directors, and the ministry of education.

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